TBJ Training was established in 2009 predominantly to train HGV and PCV Drivers to gain their Certificate of Professional Competence through 35 hours of periodic training.
Based in North Essex our training centre offers excellent facilities in comfortable surroundings
All training is conducted by a very experienced Trainer being a Transport Professional with many years experience in the Road Haulage Industry understanding Commercial Drivers and their needs.
Who needs one?
If you drive a goods vehicle or passenger carrying vehicle for Commercial Gain which is in excess of 3.50 tonnes Maximum Gross Mass you will need to hold a Driver CPC.
Who is Responsible?
It is the Drivers responsibility to obtain the Driver Qualification Card and to carry it at all times when on Duty. This is a legal requirement.
It is the Employers responsibility to ensure all Drivers employed are compliant.
How do you get a Driver CPC?
Drivers who currently hold a licence to drive vehicles above 3.50 tonnes are given acquired rights or Grandfather Rights, as they are often known, and will have 5 years to obtain their Driver CPC.
Passenger Carrying Vehicle Drivers have until 9th September 2013. Goods Vehicle Drivers have until 9th September 2014.
A Driver CPC is gained through 35 hours of Periodic Training, this must be taken in seven hour blocks which equates to one day. The training can be taken in all in one year or be spread over the five years one day at a time. This is the option most people appear to prefer.

Refreshing and informative with up to date legislation, will help to protect vocational licence, many thanks.
Philip K...
Gives you an insight on how things are done, either good or bad, different perspective.
Richard M…
Very good! Made me realise a lot more how important it is to do daily walk round and report all defects.
Raymond F...
I have learned a lot doing this course and I hope I can use all the knowledge I now have.
Michael N…
Group discussions were very enlightening, as knowledge, or lack of it was highlighted.
Garry S...
Good course, now know how to check vehicle properly and save fuel efficiently.
Daniel A...
Group discussions were very enlightening as knowledge, or lack of it was highlighted.
Garry S...
Very good presentation, well presented and educational.
Chris G...
Very informative and well constructed.
Barry S...
Understood, very clear, all of the course.
Dave G...
Found this course very well detailed and well presented – good course.
James D...
Very good, excellent presentation, well done TBJ Training see you next time.
Michael C...
Information was very comprehensive and gave detailed description on how to use analogue and digital tachographs.
Garry J...
I have now got a far better knowledge of tachograph rules than before and the laws that guide them.
Colin G...
Very well put across, very helpful, learned a lot.
Daniel A…
This course has made me think of a few factors needed to be implemented ASAP. Very interesting and well presented, thank you.
Paul B...
I have learned a lot on this course it will be very valuable to me, excellent.
Mick B...
Very informative, professionally presented, a pleasure not to be shown clip after clip from “you Tube”.
Garry S...
Very good course, well set out some very good points on SAFED driving, well done to Mr. Jones, very good training day, see you next time.
Michael C...
Interesting course delivered in a way I can understand by somebody who knows what they are talking about.
Lee W...